Interaction Design and Architecture(s) - IxD&A Journal

The ISIM_garage designed and still contributes to the maintainance of the journal's website because IxD&A is an open access journal that implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents with no charge to the authors.


IxD&A (Interaction Design and Architecture (s)) Journal bases its existence on the following beliefs:
- the complexity of today's society requires the developments of new visions and new tools to address new systemic problems;
- one needs at large to promote a deeper understanding of the interaction mechanisms, whatever the scale and the phenomena involved, from which originate the dynamic and static of the systems and all forms of architectures;
- within complex systems, processes, architectures and cultural stratifications the focus should be always the individuals and their continuous co-evolution with the place that they populate;
- the project and the ability to meta-design are central elements necessary to live consciously experiences, and above all those mediated by the machine.


IxD&A aims to offer an interdisciplinary arena where everybody can present top level researches and discuss ideas on the future of technology mediated experiences in the field of communication, learning, working, entertainment, healthcare, etc...) a future that can be made possible by a joint effort in research and education.


IxD&A, indeed, offers the ideal forum for meeting between frontier research, education, cutting edge technology development and application.


o -> Background

o -> Aim and Scopes

o-> Call for Contributions

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