N. 24, Spring 2015
Special issue on:
Peer-to-Peer Exchange and the Sharing Economy: Analysis, Designs, and Implications
by Victoria Bellotti and John M. Carroll
Table of Contents
Airi Lampinen, Kai Huotari, Coye Cheshire
Challenges to Participation in the Sharing Economy: The Case of Local Online Peer-to-Peer Exchange in a Single Parents’ Network, pp. 16 - 32
Christiane Moser, Alina Krischkowsky, Katja Neureiter, Manfred Tscheligi
Mediating Informal Care Online: Findings from an Extensive Requirements Analysis, pp. 33 - 48
Ann Light & Clodagh Miskelly
Sharing Economy vs Sharing Cultures? Designing for social, economic and environmental good, pp. 49 - 62
Naemi Luckner, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Katharina Werner, Özge Subasi
Setting up and Running a Sharing Service: an Organisational Perspective, pp. 63 - 80
Focus Section on 'Innovative Designs with Social, Mobile and Wearable Technologies for Creative Teaching and Learning'
by Ilona Buchem, Isa Jahnke, Yishay Mor, Dimitris Apostolou
Nikos Mitropoulos, Maria Taramigkou, Dimitris Apostolou
Exploiting Readily Available Information to Support Everyday Creativity on the Move, pp. 88 - 99
Angel Suarez, Stefaan Ternier, Marco Kalz, Marcus Specht
GPIM: Google Glassware for inquiry-based learning, pp. 100 - 110
Ilona Buchem, Jörn Kreutel, Agathe Merceron, Marten Haesner, Anika Steinert
Wearable Learning for Healthy Ageing through Creative Learning: A Conceptual Framework in the project “Fitness MOOC” (fMOOC), pp. 111 - 124
Thomas Cochrane, Laurent Antonczak
Designing Creative Learning Environments, pp. 125 - 144
Annamaria Cacchione
Creative use of Twitter for Dynamic Assessment in Language Learning classroom at the university, pp. 145 - 161