Comparing Expert and Novice Driving Behavior in a Driving Simulator

Hiran B. Ekanayake, Per Backlund, Tom Ziemke, Robert Ramberg, Kamalanath P. Hewagamage, Mikael Lebram
pp. 115 - 131, download



This paper presents a study focused on comparing driving behavior of expert and novice drivers in a mid-range driving simulator with the intention of evaluating the validity of driving simulators for driver training. For the investigation, measurements of performance, psychophysiological measurements, and self-reported user experience under different conditions of driving tracks and driving sessions were analyzed. We calculated correlations between quantitative and qualitative measures to enhance the reliability of the findings. The experiment was conducted involving 14 experienced drivers and 17 novice drivers. The results indicate that driving behaviors of expert and novice drivers differ from each other in several ways but it heavily depends on the characteristics of the task. Moreover, our belief is that the analytical framework proposed in this paper can be used as a tool for selecting appropriate driving tasks as well as for evaluating driving performance in driving simulators.

keywords: educational game design, simulation-based training, playful learning, emotion in games, driving simulator, simulator validity, evaluation, driving performance, psychophysiology, EEG, Emotiv EPOC, player experience

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