Carlo Giovannella


is graduated in physics and expert of complex systems. Since several years the focus of his activity is on Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), a domain that covers at 360°: visions, processes, methods, tools ad environments. He is also expert in interaction design, computer-mediated communication, design and management of processes, product and process innovation. He is chair of the research lab ISIM_garage, designer and chair of the project LIFE (Learning in an Interactive Framework to Experience), an innovative learning environment of new generation, recently adapted to satisfy the needs of SME. As instructional designer he has designed and coordinated many interdisciplinary degrees and masters; among them the Bachelor in Media Science and Communication (1998), the Honorary Master in Advanced Technologies of Interactive Communication (2000), on-line Honorary Master in E-learning: Methods, Techniques and Applications (2005), on-line Master in Theory and Design of New Media (2010).
In his carrier he has been editor/guest editor of more than 10 books and journal special issues and published more than 150 papers. He is regularly in the scientific committee of many international conferences devoted to TEL, IxD, HCI. He has been co-chair of several conferences and workshops. He is currently scientific editor of the journal IxD&A ( and vice-president of the IFIP WG 13.1 on Education in HCI and HCI Curriculum.

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