
After the eureka phase that usually follows the start-up of any new technological domain, we are now getting into a more mature but still very exciting phase of the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), characterized by the search for the Grand Challenges.
In light of the social transformations induced by the gradual emergence of post-modernity and by the recent and very fast technological development, a 'fil rouge' that originated in the foundation of the pedagogy and that comes up through Piaget, Vygotskij, Dewey, ... to the present suggests that the Holy Grail of Education can be identified with the definition of an operative pedagogical and technological framework within which one has to reconsider foundations and practices of the education in order to support learning processes that take place in increasingly co-evolving and reconfigurable - liquid - contexts and that are increasingly assuming an ubiquitous character on temporal, spatial and cultural levels. 

Inevitably training processes' actors will nomadically populate more and more sensitive and responsive physical spaces through which they will interact with socially dense virtual environments. The disappearance of machine within the everyday life's objects and spaces will enable individuals to interact with the latter ones  extremely naturally, using gestures, words and emotions. A more natural interaction will then bring individuals to give less importance to functional aspects and more to the so called 'use qualities' that will contribute to define the one's personal EXPERIENCE. Environments will become able to perceive individual's conditions and to co-evolve in order to respond to each one's personal needs. They will be populated by social relations, increasingly simple to start up and at the same time increasingly complex to be managed: they will become what we defined LIQUID 'LEARNING PLACES'.

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