Paper format

According to the ICALT's Author Guidelines, the workshop paper should be2 pages long (including authors' information, abstract - no more than 200 words -, all tables, figures, references, etc.) and should be written according to the IEEE Conference Publishing Services Formatting Guidelines. 

All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by two (2) reviewers. 
Abstracts or incomplete papers are not included to the review process. 

Important Note: Authors' information should be included ONLY in the camera-ready version of the manuscript and NOT in the initial version. However, during the preparation of the initial manuscript, authors' should leave a number of empty lines at the beginning of the manuscript, so as to include authors' information during the camera-ready manuscript submission 

The authors of accepted papers will be required to complete a copyright form at the time of camera-ready manuscript submission. 

Manuscripts should be submitted in Word or RTF file formats. In case, authors are using Latex, PDF files are acceptable if they are formatted based on the IEEE Conference Publishing Services Formatting Guidelines 

Very important Note: the Workshop Submission System is not the same one of the main ICALT conference. To submit your workshop papers, please, go to the 
o-> Paper submission page. 

Instruction for Camera-Ready Manuscript Preparation and Submissioncan be found at ICALT website


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