Call for papers

E3FPLE aims to offer an interdisciplinary arena to investigate the complexity that will characterize more and more the evaluation of future educative experiences (see also workshop background). The major challenges are to identify and operationalize relevant qualities of such experiences, and to model and monitor their trajectories. The overarching goal is to inform the development of effective supports to enhance educative experiences of the stakeholders involved.

Accordingly the workshops intends to explore the following research questions:


Whether and how the existing evaluation methods from the field of Technology-enhanced Learning (TEL) and Human-computer Interaction (HCI) should be extended to address specific requirements of FPLEs?

Whether and how compartmentalize the respective impact of software quality (i.e. interoperability), interaction quality (i.e. usability and user experience with individual widgets and their orchestration), information quality (i.e. contents delivered by widgets and their integration), and personal quality (i.e. individual goals, value and expertise) on educative experiences?

Which experiential qualities are relevant to successful educative processes in FPLEs? Are hedonic qualities (Hassenzahl, 2001) such as identification, stimulation and evocation particularly relevant? Should the learner experience certain negative emotional responses (e.g. challenge, tension, bewildered) or, in contrast, positive ones to achieve a stronger learning effect?

How should the interplay between experiential evaluation feedback and redesign of the learning environments be enhanced? In which ways should the evaluation feedback be collected and presented (qualitative vs. quantitative; level of granularity; monomodal vs. multimodal) to the design and development team to improve the uptake of evaluation results?


Hassenzahl, M. (2001). The effect of perceived hedonic quality on product appealingness. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 13(4): 481-499.


In the Workshop, these and other questions arising from the workshop submissions and discussions will be addressed.   Submissions addressing the above listed and other related questions/ideas are invited.


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