Mission & Actions

The observatory is expected to act and offer a framework of reference for people interested in Smart City Learning domain.

Among the main actions that will be promoted by the observatory:

• Monitoring of emerging models related to Smart City Learning;
• Monitoring of initiatives on (or of potential interest for) Smart City Learning (SCL), also to extract and highlight global (reusable) and local (cultural issues) characteristics of such initiatives;
• Monitoring and benchmarking of relevant concepts and technologies, also with the hope to promote technology transfer
• Monitoring of the role assigned to learning in the SC benchmarking procedures; elaboration of a proposal to benchmark SCL;
• Production of a 'white paper” on Smart City Learning, accompanied by the definition of a SCL agenda;
• Identification of potential stakeholders and related networking action;
• Formulation of future scenarios and proposals, fostering case studies and pilots.

Many of the above initiatives will be designed also to:

• Develop further the theoretical understanding of the domain
• Identify skills and competencies needed to get smart citizens
• Identify the pedagogical approaches, strategies, process and methods most suited for smart city learning
• Investigate the 'mediator/trigger/supporting' role of technology
• Identify “fluxes” that are relevant to smart city learning
• Identify services that can incorporate learning and methods (see for example [16]) that may lead to their possible bottom-up redefinition
• Investigate redefinition and redesign of the learning spaces & identification of spaces and artifacts that can incorporate learning
• Investigate redefinition of content formats and functionalities
• Investigate data security and privacy issues
• Investigate resilience and possible “autopoietical” redefinition of the “place” (edupoiesis).

At European level we also intend to monitor, from the Smart City Learning perspective, the projects that will be financed in the context of Horizon 2020 to benchmark the societal progresses that will be determined by such projects.


How can I contribute ?

Smart City Learning is a holistic theme the requires a multicultural and interdisciplinary effort.
You can contribute occasionally to any one of the above actions by suggesting or producing relevant documents, reporting on interesting experiences and describing local cultural perspectives (write to the observatory contact person; soon a dedicated space on LinkedIn will be available).
If you intend to contribute substantially and continuously to the development of the international observatory you can join its community by sending us your request of membership.