
Session I


• FUPOL: an Integrated Approach to Participative Policies
Giorgio Prister

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The FUPOL project develops a model and system for a new comprehensive governance model to support the openness of the policy design and implementation lifecycle. The citizens are involved in each step of the policy design process and informed about the impact of envisaged decisions. The new governance model builds on new IT technologies, on existing know-how and open government data to create better policies and factual decisions based on citizens’ needs and expectations.


• Citizen Centric Governance for Smart Territories
Francesco Niglia, Carlo Maria Medaglia, Laura Schina

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This study highlights the needs of a strategy for the application of the user-centricity paradigm to a smart territory as result of an extensive international campaign engaging around one thousand of citizens and four hundred organisations. A simple scheme for defining the role and the governance of a territory in the achievement of targets of sustainability and improved acceptance of public services is defined in terms of trends outlined by white papers, targets and methods of citizens’ engagement.


• Exploring the interplay between urban governance and smart services co-design
G. Concilio, F. Rizzo e A. Deserti

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[...] The paper reports on the interplay between urban governance and smart services co-design in urban transformation as it has been observed and analyses in two European projects, namely Periphèria (www.peripheria.eu) and MyNeinghbourhood (www.myneighbourhood.eu). It also discusses the value of service co-design as a strategic practice to experiment new participatory governance in smart cities. [...]

• A smart city bottom – up approach towards the citizens inclusion: the smart postcards for the municipality of Moncalieri
Emanuela Gasca, Maria Cristina Longo, Stefania Sabatino

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[...] The paper aims at describing a case study finalized to implement a participatory process between Moncalieri and its citizens, to focus on what does it mean smart to them. The paper briefly describes the process that has started in February, having had a first public moment in the end of July 2013 when the International Conference “Smart City and Smart Citizens” took place. [...]


• Phigital public space approach: a case study in Volpiano
Liliana Bazzanella, Giuseppe Roccasalva, Simona Valenti

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Today an important challenge is opening: designing public spaces by taking into account the augmented meaning carried by new digital citizen and users.
New ways of digital communication, a broader network of digital information and the open data naturally affect also the physical space transforming it into something new we can call “phigital”.
The usual material conception of the space should be improved with a new dimension. How is the boundary between virtual and real? What if people  overcome easily these boundaries? People are the only way to go out from the destructive form of shaping the city towards a better and sustainable place.
The phigital spaces are not the common public space as we usually think but these belong to a wider open network where interaction among people and places, between people and space are more  “sense-able”. Throughout the analysis of a workshop held from march to july in Volpiano (TO) in collaboration with Politecnico of Turin, this paper tries to propose and define a new concept of public space where people keep their central role but where virtual interaction empower them to design new sustainable cities and communities.


• Living Lab Adattativo: la proposta di Puglia Smart Lab
M. Barile, V. Biondi, B. Centrone, U. Cataldo, Carlo De Sanctis, F. De Santis, P. Lecci, R. Lovecchio, V. Moretto, D. Papadia, M. Rodano, T. Romano, M.G. Rosa, F. Simone

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[...] Questo contributo è inteso a promuovere l’applicazione di nuovi strumenti e nuove modalità di coinvolgimento del cittadino nella realizzazione di un territorio smart user-centered, attraverso l’approccio Living Lab (LL). Tale proposta nasce in seno al progetto nato nel Marzo 2013, Puglia Smart Lab, un LL creato da Dhitech S.c.a.r.l., Distretto Tecnologico High Tech pugliese. [...]

• Progetto ALMA WELFARE COMMUNITY: strategie per la costruzione di una comunità competente
Anna Catalano, Letizia Cardines, Ilaria Mancini

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[...] Il Progetto che presentiamo in questo contributo, denominato Alma-Welfare Community e inserito nel Piano Regolatore Sociale del Municipio IV (ex V) di Roma, è uno dei più innovativi e significativi del nuovo modello di Welfare attuato sul territorio.
L’idea di sviluppare una Welfare Community nel territorio del Municipio nasce dalla sinergia tra i diversi attori sociali e risponde all’obiettivo di promuovere benessere sociale e sicurezza per i cittadini attraverso la realizzazione di una rete estesa di servizi alla persona, che accompagnino l’intero corso della vita. Il cittadino diventa partecipante attivo ed è chiamato a mobilitare tutte le risorse di cui dispone personalmente e che offre la comunità. [...]


Alma Welfare Community, part of the General Social Plan of the 4th District in Rome, is one of the most innovative and significant ones of the new Welfare model realized on the territory. The idea of developing a welfare community in this District, moving from the synergies existing among different social actors, responds to the aim of promoting social welfare and citizens security through the construction of the community focused on a most wide participation/integration involving directly citizens of different social worlds in a mindful dimension.

• Exploring the Potentials of ICT Enabled Co-creation Platform for SMEs in Ikeja ICT Cluster, Lagos
Gospel Oparaocha, Calkin Suero Montero, Erkki Sutinen, Miko Rajala

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[... ]The aim of this case study, is to explore the possibilities and critical factors affecting how the Ikeja ICT cluster of Lagos State, Nigeria could be organized as smart community of co-creators who are reliant on each other for process, product and market innovations. How such a cluster could enable these small businesses to gain competitive advantage to the local consumer market even in the face of fierce competition from multinational enterprises. [...]


Session II


• A Mobile Community for a Smarter Trentino.
Silvia Bordin, Antonella de Angeli, Sylvie Noël, Nicolò de Uffici, Cristina Core, Marco Pistore, Gabriele Zacco, Raman Kazhamiakin

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We present here the Smart Campus project, whose goal is to establish a self-sustained mobile community and territorial lab in Trentino in order to increase the number of services that can support citizens’ lives. Our design approach has included a mix of participatory design, user-centered design and end-user development methodologies. We are currently testing several interrelated mobile apps to support University of Trento staff and students; we are also building apps for the cities of Trento and Rovereto and for the province of Trentino with the goal of fostering the institution of a smart territory.  

• WeComm: a mobile application supporting small communities
Andrea Patriarca, Federico Scaccia, Fabrizia Moggio, Vincenzo Baraniello, Carlo Giovannella

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Viene presentata l'architettura e il prototipo di una applicazione modulare per smart-phone e tablet pensata per sostenere i bisogni e l'interazione di piccole comunità urbane e/o di comunità di dimensioni medio-piccole che operino in un'ambito territorialmente e/o temporalmente limitato. L'applicazione è pensata per gestire l'accesso a varie 'small smart community' ed è integrata con un applicativo web, altrettanto modulare e 'community based', che si può flessibilmente adattare ai bisogni di comunità di varia natura. Verranno, infatti, forniti esempi di applicazione a comunità: di apprendimento e 'smart campus', di quartiere, turistiche e/o convegnistiche.


This paper describes the architecture of an app that aims at supporting needs of and interactions among the members of small urban communities and/or small to medium sized communities operating in territorially and/or temporally limited ambits. The application has been designed to allow for the access to multiple 'small smart communities' and has been integrated with a modular and community-based web environment which can be flexibly adapted to the needs of communities of various kinds. Indeed examples of possible applications to learning communities, tourism and neighborhood community will be provided.

• GEOmobi: la prima app dedicata alla mobilità di Firenze
Stefano Passiatore

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Linea Comune, il Centro Servizi Territoriale fiorentino che realizza servizi informativi per le pubbliche amministrazioni di Firenze e provincia, ha realizzato GEOmobi, la prima App per iPhone, tablet e smartphone dedicata alla mobilità, voluta dal Comune di Firenze e creata da Linea Comune.

• The ItalianNeedMap: a Participatory Open Citizens - Oriented Tool for a Qualitative Development Planning Process in Smart Territories.
Valentina Volpi, Antonio Opromolla, Carlo Maria Medaglia, Andrea Ingrosso, Mauro Palatucci

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[...] We suggest a dynamic map, with real time update data entered directly by users and a usable interface. The citizens can express their common needs, which will produce an immediate output on the map. Moreover the need types will not be defined a priori, but they will be identified through the continuous comparison with users/citizens. The map is not intended to be a public consultation tool. It allows a continuous dialogue between citizens and the public administration. [...]


Session III


• Smart City: un modello di valutazione
Di Carlo Claudio

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Una attenzione particolare deve essere posta nel costruire pochi e semplici KPIs a supporto delle decisioni dei policy makers. Nella progettazione delle smart cities è auspicabile costruire un sistema statistico smart di rilevazione dati e di elaborazione di indicatori standard per una adeguata valutazione sia dello sviluppo tecnologico sia dell’impatto sulla qualità della vita dei cittadini. Inoltre, la disponibilità di dati e indicatori standard (ripetuti nel tempo, tempestivi, affidabili) consente confronti fra le politiche adottate nei vari paesi, permettendo la valutazione dell’efficacia delle stesse, dei legami fra gli incentivi promossi e i risultati ottenuti e l’analisi della riduzione dei costi.

• Smart Cities Analytics
Mihai Dascalu, Federico Scaccia, Carlo Giovannella

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Nell'ottica di un approccio 'people centered', questo articolo analizza criticamente le odierne definizioni di smartness di una città e gli approcci al benchmarking delle smart cities. Dopo alcune considerazioni sul significato di smartness e l'introduzione di un modello di esperienza adattato al caso delle Smart Cities, viene mostrato come si possa re-impostare lo 'Smart Cities Analytics' a partire dalle tracce lasciate dagli individui. In particolare verranno approfondite le potenzialità offerte dall'analisi automatica dei testi.


Accordingly to the 'people centered' vision, this article critically examines the currently definitions of city smartness and the corresponding approaches to smart cities benchmarking. After some considerations about the 'smartness' that emerges from such benchmarking and the introduction of a model of experience, adapted to the case of Smart Cities, a possible redesign of the 'Smart Cities Analytics' grounded on the traces left by individuals is suggested. In particular, here we shall focus on the potentiality offered by automatic text analysis.

• Modelli Matematici per l'analisi delle città: approcci per le Smart City
G. Antonucci, M. Barile, V. Biondi, B. Centrone, U. Cataldo, C. De Sanctis, F. De Santis, P. Lecci, R. Lovecchio, Valentino Moretto, D. Papadia, M. Rodano, T. Romano, M.G. Rosa, F. Simone.

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[...] In questo documento si vuole valutare l’adozione di uno strumento analitico utile alla pianificazione strategica e alla misurazione del miglioramento qualitativo di una città intelligente. A tale scopo si utilizzano le teorie di Bettencourt-West et al. riguardanti l’individuazione di un modello teorico che descrive le caratteristiche delle dinamiche sociali, economiche e urbanistiche di una città da un punto di vista qualitativo e quantitativo. [...]

• The Image of the Data City - Perception in Shared Information Spaces
Kevin Hamilton, Karrie Karahalios, Cedric Langbort, Christian Sandvig

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This paper will outline some areas of potential research into the study of how people perceive the information spaces of commerce, communication and citizenship they inhabit. We will share some examples of initial research in this direction, from our own work and that of others.

• People Centered Smart Territories: il Centro Servizi Territoriale dell'area fiorentina.
Paolo Campigli, Giuseppe Mantero

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Il Centro Servizi Territoriale è una realtà nata nel 2006 dedicata all'erogazione di servizi on line rivolti ai cittadini in ottica multicanale. Oltre sette anni di esercizio del Centro hanno costituito un'esperienza operativa di grande importanza, che può essere letta in ambito smart territories.