N. 23, Winter 2014
Special issue on:
The Design of TeL with Evidence and Users
Table of Contents
Diana Ragbir-Shripat, Permanand Mohan
A TEL System for Teaching and Supporting Creativity in Tertiary Students: Incorporating the Views of Experts, pp. 9-23
Vincenzo del Fatto, Gabriella Dodero, Rosella Gennari
Operating Systems with Blended Extreme Apprenticeship: What Are Students’ Perceptions?, pp. 24-37
Fernando De la Prieta, Ana B. Gil, Sara Rodríguez-González, Juan M. Corchado
Cloud Computing and Multi Agent System to improve Learning Object Paradigm, pp. 38-49
Maria Rosita Cecilia, Tania DI Mascio, Laura Tarantino, Pierpaolo Vittorini
Designing TEL products for poor comprehenders: evidences from the evaluation of TERENCE, pp. 50-67
Daniela Raccanello, Margherita Brondino, Margherita Pasini
Achievement Emotions in Technology Enhanced Learning: Development and Validation of Self-Report Instruments in the Italian Context, pp. 68-81
Ahlem Harchay, Lilia Cheniti-Belcadhi, Rafik Braham
A Context-Aware Framework to Provide Personalized Mobile Assessment, pp. 82-97
Beth Filar Williams, Sara Valla
Involving the users remotely: an exploratory study using asynchronous usability testing, pp. 98-121
Michael A. Bedek, Olga Firssova, Eliza P. Stefanova, Fleur Prinsen, Foteini Chaimala
User-driven Development of an Inquiry-Based Learning Platform: Qualitative Formative Evaluations in weSPOT, pp. 122-139
Focus Section on 'Designing Self-Care For Everyday Life'
Ivo Maathuis, Valerie M Jones, Nelly Oudshoorn
Telecare and self-management: a guideline for anticipating future care in scenario-based design, pp. 142-159
Koen van Turnhout, Jasper Jeurens, Martin Verhey, Pascal Wientjes, René Bakker
The Healthy Elderly: Case Studies in Persuasive Design, pp. 160-172
Juan Jimenez Garcia, Natalia Romero, David Keyson, Paul Havinga
Reflective Healthcare Systems: micro-Cycle of Self-Reflection to empower users, pp. 173-190