SLERD 2017 - Conference Programme


download the .pdf version of the  Conference Programme



22nd June


Morning plenary session


8:15 Registration 


9:00 Conference Opening


José F. Mendes (Vice-Rector of the University of Aveiro), Fernando Ramos (SLERD 2017 Chair), Carlo Giovannella (ASLERD President)


9:30 Keynotes

Digital transformation and social innovation: the role of learning ecosystems and the contributions from EU research and innovation projects

Building Bridges Between Education and Territory: The Power of Mixed Reality and Gamification

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break

(posters/demos of the student competitions)


11:40 - 13:00 Presentation of the Student Competitions' best proposals 

International Student Contest: Finalist Projects


13:15 Lunch at the University Restaurant


Afternoon parallel sessions


14:40 - 16:00

• Smart Learning Ecosystems I (SLE I) - Auditory

• Smart Learning and Territory I (SLT I) - Room 40.1.8 


16:00 - 16.30 Coffee Break


16:30 - 17:30 ASLERD General Assembly


20:00 Social Dinner

Restaurante Olaria


23rd June


Morning parallel sessions


9:00  - 10:20

• Smart Learning Resources I (SLR I) - Auditory

• Smart Learning Ecosystems II (SLE II) - Room 40.1.8


10:20 - 10:50 Coffee Break


10:50 - 12:10  

• Smart Learning and Territory II (SLT II) - Auditory

• Smart Learning Resources II (SLR II) - Room 40.1.8


12:15 - 13:00 Final Remarks and SLERD 2018 Announcement 

Filipe Teles (Pro-rector of the University of Aveiro), Fernando Ramos (SLERD 2017 Chair), Mattihas Rehm (University of Aalborg and ASLERD Deputy President)


13:15 Lunch at the University Restaurant

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