Student contest 2017: finalist projects
Presentation on the 22nd of June from 11:40 to 13:00
International ASLERD Student Contest
• 'A Smell of Smartness in Education: the Multiactivity Board'
Raffaele Di Fuccio (University of Naples Federico II)
The article proposes the prototype, named Multi Activity Board (MAB), taht aims to benefits from the opportunity offered by the new and low-cost technologies in education, recovering some traditional psycho-pedagogical practices based on learning by the experience and the multisensorial approach. The prototype developed is built in the framework of the Learning by Doing paradigm and the pedagogical Montessori Method based on the exploitation of the multi-sensoriality (the sense of smell, touch, taste, hearing) by the use of the Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) and the RFID/NFC technology. The target of Multi Activity Board (MAB) are learners in formal contexts aged between 4-8 years old (kindergarten and primary schools). The MAB is a part of smart and connected learning ecosystem for a personalization of the teaching/learning process based on the learners thank to the application of the adaptive and artificial tutoring.
• 'Making Music by Dancing: A Shared Activity for People with Brain Injuries'
Alexandros Panagiotis Giakalis, Bianca Clavio Christensen, Jakob Birch Memborg, Mark Kronborg Poulsen (Aalborg University)
People with brain injuries need social contact and to be surrounded by other people. This project accommodates this need with a shared activity for citizens at a rehabilitation center in Denmark. The goal is to promote social interactions through a game prototype, which was developed in collaboration with the staff and citizens at the facility. This resulted in an exploratory music game prototype with two players controlling a virtual music instrument each by physically moving. For evaluation purposes, the prototype was available at the center for four continuous days. The staff members found that the game has strong motivational properties of the citizens in doing physical movements and interacting with the other player. This paper documents a proof of concept of the game prototype and suggestions to further improvements. All personal information of the people at the rehabilitation center is confidential.
• 'Supporting Conversations for Blended Social Emotional Learning'
Mehdi Rizvi (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)
Conversations and discussions in classrooms among children and with teachers are an important part of a learning environment. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum places special emphases on using conversations as learning tool to teach children social and emotional norms. Technology, more specifically tangible technology can help scaffold such conversations by providing visual feedback, mediation and boost collaboration. It can also help in supporting and connecting participants who are absent from classrooms due to illness. TurnTalk tabletop device along with TTapp mobile app aims to create such a blended learning ecosystem, by focusing on group conversations with children.
University of Aveiro Student Competition
• 'Electronic Learning Ecosystem' (ELE)
André Gradim, Duarte Dias, Pedro Magalhães, Pedro Martins
• 'Spire UA'
Eduardo Santos, Stephanie Garcia, Maria João Cunha